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This web site is dedicated to providing Bible commentaries that are thorough, faithful to the text and easy to use.


A sermon on the the seven men in Acts 6

There is a pattern for Christianity

Pentecostal claims compared with the Bible

Building a good reputation 

How to overcome despair

What does the Bible say about fear? 

Accept Jesus as your personal savior

A sermon on suffering 

A sermon on confessing sin

Does the world hate Christianity

A sermon on the word "arise"

Ask, seek and knock - a sermon on asking, seeking and knocking

A sermon on baptism 

Be a doer of the word 

Should Christians help beggars? 

Be careful with the religious information you hear and accept

Bible contradictions sermon part 1

Are there contradictions in the Bible, part 2 

Blind religious guides

Christians must be bold

Being tactful in our speech

Calling on the name of the Lord 

How to grow as a Christian 

Christianity and civil government 

What does the word clergy mean?

Be a determined person

A sermon on Simon the Sorcerer and a Christian reputation

A sermon on agony

An offensive faith

A sermon on Acts 2

A sermon on doing good deeds

The preposition in Acts 2:38 

The word "full"

A sermon on Gamaliel

Is God a respector of persons?

Can anyone be saved?

Does God know all things?

Faith comes by hearing God's word

The will of God

Will God save "good people"? A sermon on who God will save

What is a "gospel preacher"?

Attaining spiritual maturity

The sin of complaining

Things Christians are to "hold to" in their lives

Enemies of the faith

All of thee and none of self

Can people really visit heaven?

A sermon on ignorance

Our need to imitate others

A sermon on intercessory prayer

What is the kingdom of God?

Jesus is our high priest

Joining a church - We cannot join the church of Christ

What does the Bible says about "joy"? 

Good works - the necessity of being involved with "good works"

Laying on of hands - what was the "laying on of hands"?

The authority of Jesus Christ

Becoming a minister

Bible miracles:  An introduction to Bible miracles

Bible miracles: A study of Bible miracles (part 2)

Miracles and the Word of God (part 3)

Miracles: The facts about Bible miracles (part 4)

Moses and Jesus: How Jesus and Moses are alike

A sermon on the word "must" ("dei")

Helping new Christians be strengthened in the faith

Salvation in no other name 

All Christians are equal (there is no "clergy-laity" system)

Many Hebrew priests obeyed the gospel

God's omniscience: A sermon on God's omniscience

"One another" - a sermon on the words "one another"

The "one body": A sermon on the "one body"